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"(Hi)stories of resistance" 31.10.2014, 8:00 - 18:00

A German-Greek-Polish barcamp dealing with the topics of opposition and resistance in present and past

"(Hi)stories of Resistance" is a German-Greek-Polish barcamp dealing with the topics of opposition and resistance in present and past in various contexts. If you are an activist, scientist, artist, practitioner or just interested in dealing with these questions, join the trinational barcamp from 31.10. to 04.11.2014 at the International Youth Meeting Centre in Krzyżowa (PL). We are going to look at the topic of opposition and resistance through different approaches (scientific, artistic, creative, personal etc.) and focal points (human rights, education for sustainable development, civil society, gender issues etc.)

Who can apply?

Young people at the age of 18 to 27 living in Germany, Greece or Poland who are generally interested in the topic of resistance and human rights violation in different political contexts, as well as activists (or people who want to become active), scientists, artists or practitioners. What is important is a high level of initiative from the participants and the willingness to practically contribute to the barcamp. Thorough knowledge of English is advantageous.

How to apply? Please fill out the application form and write a short paper explaining your motivation to participate in the barcamp as well as outlining how you plan to contribute (theoretical input, presentation of certain working methods or projects you are involved in, your general experience within the field of opposition and resistance, a film/ play/ piece of art/ song you have created or you are going to create etc.) See the questions in the application form.

Or send us a short movie of you presenting yourself.

Participation costs

20 EUR per person, costs for accommodation and all meals are covered by that fee. Any additional costs such as travel costs to Berlin or Krzyżowa have to be covered by the participants themselves. We are offering a shuttle bus from Berlin to the IYMC in Krzyżowa (PL) and return (free of charge). The bus will leave at 12 noon on 31 October 2014 from Berlin. More detailed information will be provided by the organizers.

Time Table
