Participatory Film
A participatory film is a film, that is made by a group of people who want to address an issue which is currently important for them. The script is not yet known, since it will be formulated by the people who participate in the workshop. The process starts with exchanging ideas about life stories, selecting ideas and formulating a key question, that needs to be addressed. Jointly the group formulates a first draft storyboard or script. This will be followed by research of the locations where will be filmed and after that the storyboard will be reviewed and updated. It will be helpfull if a draftsman is available to assist in the story board design. After this tasks will be divided for the crew, including tasks as film director, camera, sound, light, decor, actors and logistics.
After the first round of filming the footage will be reviewed with the whole crew. Based on the discussion, the storyboard will be modified and a second round of filming will be planned for completing the storyboard. The second round of filming will be the final part for the whole crew. After that a small team, including the film director and editors will complete the film and will later in the week ask for feedback from the crew.
Minimum number of participants: 6 Maximum number of participants: 12
3 camera's with microphones, a meeting venue to discuss the script, light equipment if needed, a LCD projector and a wall to project, sound system, a laptop with editing software.
I can bring myself a laptop with Adobe Premiere Elements. It is a basic version and not the professional version.
Room: Seminar 1