Django Apps at Scale: Mistakes to Avoid
I started using Python in school and started developing apps with Django in 2018. To enhance my experience and learnings I also worked at an Infrastructure as Code Platform StackGuardian. It’s an OpenSource robust and scalable platform built with Django. We wrote everything from scratch and in the process, we did a lot of research and experiments to build scalable Django Apps with Microservice Architecture. I’ve learned a lot about what works well and what doesn’t with Django, and hope I can share some useful tips on how to work with this popular web framework.
Agenda for the Talk:
--> Monoliths & Microservices Brief Intro & general misconception
I’ll start with a layman's introduction to Monoliths & Microservices so that even beginners get the idea about the terminologies which will be used later. I will also touch upon the common misconception junior engineers or students have around these architectures.
--> Moving away from Monolith
Under this, I’ll be discussing problems with Monolith Architecture or monolith Django Apps. What does it take to move away from a monolith architecture? Examples of companies that moved from Monolith to Microservice architecture.
→ Why Microservices?
Here I’ll be sharing the benefits that microservice architecture adds to the product. The need for microservices with the ever-growing users globally and how microservices are able to solve scalability issues.
--> Why Django for Microservices & Mistakes to avoid or Best Practices
Understanding Microservice Architecture in Django via a reference app. How to transition your Django App from a Monolith App to a Microservices-based app. I’ll discuss about the mistakes every django should avoid or best practices that we at stackguardian realized with time for a robust & scalable platform.
–> StackGuardian overview & Tirith
In this, I’ll give a bird's eye view of StackGuardian’s architecture and how its open-source tool “Tirith” built with python will help security engineers to write policies in a human-readable way but still machine enforceable.
--> Key Takeaway & Django Trivia/QnA
I’ll conclude the talk with fun Django Trivia.
The target audience for the talk ranges from Beginner to Intermediate Programmers.