Achtung! Abschaltung des Tools zum 31.12.2025
3 hour workshop by Awesome Software
ReactBasics - Konzepte & Grundlagen
Sunday from 10:00 to 13:00
We are glad you are interested in learning React! There are a few things you should know for attending this workshop:
The workshop will be held in German and we recommend at least a B1 level in German. If you don't understand all the details, we can help you in English but offering the entire workshop in English is not possible unfortunately.
You will need to bring your own computer. The operating system doesn't matter but you should be able to install new software on it (so Chrome OS won't work). We are going to need a recent version of Node.js (>= 8.10) and an editor/IDE for the exercises. If you don't have a preferred editor/IDE one, I can recommend Visual Studio Code which is available for all major OS' and completely free.
Please make sure to install Node.js and the editor/IDE before attending the workshop so that we don't lose too much time during the workshop fixing installation issues. In order to verify that everything works as expected, you should execute `npx create-react-app test` in your terminal. This will bootstrap a basic React application in the `test` folder. If this command is successfully executed, you are ready and can delete the generated folder. Don't worry if you don't understand what exactly Create-React-App is doing, we'll explore this together during the workshop. If the command fails and you can't figure out why, approach us at the very beginning of the workshop and we will help you fix the issue.
We are looking forward to meeting you at the workshop!
Your React Beginner Workshop organizers
The workshop is held and sponsored by