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How to start a Open Science Community

The level to which universities engage in and promote open science activities is quite variable. Individual projects and actvities may be wide spread over the faculties; people who are interested in implementing open science practices may not find local contact persons and so their engagement is held up. So, what are ways to help build up a viable (new) open science community? What are the essentials needed? It would be great to collect ideas and exchange experiences!

The German "Datennutzungsgesetz"

The Datennutzungsgesetz (DNG) (=Data Use Act) has been in force in Germany since July 2021. This also includes obligations for researchers in §2. §7 regulates available formats, metadata and data transfer.

I would like to talk to you about what impact the law will have for researchers and universities. Do you already have experience with this law? Is you organization prepared to publish research data according to DNG?

Translated scholarly works

Translating scholarly works makes science more open. It opens science for more contributors and it opens the fruits of science to larger communities. We have thus recently started the Translate Science initiative. In this session we would like to talk about why translations are important, gather ideas on how to promote their production and talk about who should make the translations.

We would like to have a slot in the afternoon session.


Very interesting, we are using , The European Community AI tool, to do it faster when we need translated
Pilar Ramírez Amurrio, 07.03.2022
Thanks Pilar. I have added this tool to our page on machine translation options.
Victor Venema, 05.04.2022

Exchange round: Open Science in the wet lab

Do you want to talk to other like-minded people about Open Science in a wet lab discipline (mine are: chemistry, biology, ... you name yours!)? Here we can have a gigantic coffee break of just-talking together.

I imagine one-on-ones or mini groups on something like -- post your ideas below!

How to involve the public in research

Engaging the public in all phases of research (preparation, execution, translation) seems feasible in most cases; however there is no standardized way of doing this.

Here we can discuss methods to involve the public at different stages of the research process. We can focus on particular stages of research (e.g. agenda setting, study design, data analysis, dissemination of findings, etc.) and draw on people's experiences or thoughts on how to involve the public at each stage

Open data before publication

Using zenodo, publishing data is really easy. However, this works best for already finished datasets. How can we shift open data practices to share data already early in the research process? Can we foster open collaboration on datasets before, during, and after publication? What institutional resources are already available, which ones would we need?

may be i think, this practice can be unuseful if you need a good analitycs for the founds...
Pilar Ramírez Amurrio, 07.03.2022

Moving Open Science forward at the institutional/departmental level

Open Science practices have seen an increase in uptake in recent years. Nevertheless, some researchers are still thinking of Open Science solely in terms of Open Access to publications. I would like to hear your ideas about what your institute/department could do to improve the awareness of all Open Science practices and support the change towards a more open research culture.

Bring your recommended practices, (not so) success stories, questions and requirements to the session!

author/contributor list: creation and re-use.

This session wants to look into the tools for the creation of authors/contributor list, and especially focus on the reuse of these lists in particular the use of contribution role terminologies/ontologies (a straightforward use case is the reuse of the paper author list for the publication of the related dataset, and vice versa).

We will especially discuss gaps in the ecosystem and how they could be closed.


Digitalize Knowledge, not Documents! Rethinking scholarly communication

Can you imagine how scholarly communication would look like, if it wasn’t mainly relying on static pdf documents? If we could enable machine assistance to automatically find relevant literature and create links between scientific works? We are trying to achieve this with the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) in a crowd-based approach. What kind of changes could such an infrastructure bring to the scientific system and how can we make it work for different scientific communities? Which requirements would have to be met in different disciplines? Let's discuss! We want to create a system “by scientists for scientists” and need your input.


I have been following ORKG, would be interesting to discuss it at barcamp.
Bilal Hayat Butt, 04.03.2022
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